How to Add Cannabis to Your Workout Routine

2 min readJan 11, 2021


Many people look to marijuana for its relaxing properties. A way to unwind after a long day and just have some moments of bliss to oneself.

However, for the active members of the cannabis community, did you know that it can benefit your workout routine? And not just in one way, but many different ways?

We have all heard about how CBD is being proven to have many health benefits, and to an extent, the same can be said about marijuana. Some of its properties and uses can help you in your daily life and the time you spend at the gym and after.

How to Use Marijuana While Working Out

A study done by the University of Colorado Boulder showed that about 82 percent of people who use legal marijuana will smoke before or after their workout session, typically both. Why would someone consider smoking marijuana before their workout?

Marijuana has been shown to mimic a runner’s high. You know that great feeling you get after a good run or workout and you have that spike of dopamine in your system? Marijuana can help to mimic that affect to keep you going during your workout and keep you focused.

The best times to use marijuana for your workout is when you plan on going for a run or stationary ride on a bike or elliptical. Experts recommend not using marijuana for any type of workout that includes motor control or mental sharpness like an intense HIIT workout, lifting, or an outdoor bike ride. THC is best for low-risk endurance workout sessions.

What Type of Marijuana Should You Use

When it comes to ingesting your marijuana, there are a variety of types to choose from. At your local cannabis dispensary, you can find everything from flowers and edibles to vapes and topicals. While these will all give you the same type of effect, they all have varying ways in how long it will take to feel their effects.

Vaping, though it is safer than straight-up smoking, is still hard on your lungs. One benefit it does have is that you can start feeling its effects almost instantly, and it only lasts a few hours. One expert suggests taking one puff, waiting five minutes, and seeing how you feel.

They also suggest looking for a strain with low THC or a 1:1 strain with CBD which is more ideal.

Use CBD for Recovery

CBD is great for recovery after a hard workout because of its anti-inflammatory properties. While shopping at your local cannabis dispensary, check out their CBD products for a CBD isolate or a 20:1 formula. The CBD will help you to recover quicker and helps with muscle soreness.

A CBD topical is also a good alternative to turn to after a workout to help ease a specific area. However, topicals can take a bit more time to sink in. It’s best to use a CBD right after your workout to start feeling its effects and recover quickly.




Written by FromTheEarth


From The Earth is a fully licensed cannabis and marijuana dispensary and also we have an online store of cannabis and marijuana where you get great deals.

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